There are a number of benign breast conditions that occasionally require surgery. These include removal of benign or indeterminate breast lumps or cysts (breast lumpectomy) and surgery for nipple discharge (Microdochectomy or Central duct excision).
The aim of surgery is to remove the breast abnormality with minimal scarring and concurrently preserving and reconstructing the breast defect. This surgery is done under either under local or general anaesthesia as a day case.
Breast Lumpectomy:
This involves the removal of breast lumps or cysts with preservation and reconstruction of any resulting breast defect. Surgery can be performed with minimal scarring often at the skin crease under the breast or around the nipple margin.
Surgery for nipple discharge (Microdochectomy or Central Duct Excision):
Surgery for nipple discharge is occasionally done to diagnose a duct abnormality causing the discharge and concurrently treating the condition. Nipple discharge can be the result of a variety of benign conditions and often does not require surgery. However for troublesome discharge or bleeding from the nipple may require surgery to exclude a more concerning abnormality.
Nipple surgery either involves removing the offending breast duct (Microdochectomy) or removal of all the central breast ducts (Central Duct Excision) behind the nipple. Surgery can be performed with minimal scarring from around the areolar margin (the region where the skin changes colour around the nipple). After a central duct excision one will be unable to breast feed.
Hook-wire Assisted Breast Biopsy/Lumpectomy:
This involves the surgical excision of small breast lumps or abnormalities that are only visible on breast imaging and not clinically palpable (felt by ones fingers). Prior to surgery the patient will undergo localisation of the abnormality by a radiologist using either an ultrasound or mammography. Once the Radiologist has identified the area of concern, he will place a fine hook-wire into the breast under local anaesthesia. This is done on the day of the planned breast surgery to allow Dr Noushi to accurately identify and excise the impalpable breast lesion.
This complex procedure improves the accuracy of surgical excision and preservation of unaffected breast tissue.